viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2016


El ayuntamiento de Aguilar de Campoo organiza un concurso de postales navideñas para niños entre 6 y 12 años.

  • The contest is open for children between the ages of 6 to 12 
  • The size of the Christmas card must be DIN A5 (half a page). 
  • The cards will be finally delivered at “Las Bolas”. You must indicate your first name and family name, age, telephone number, email and school. 
  • The competition deadline will take place on Friday 2 December 2016. 
  • You can use any techniques and instruments. 
  • The jury will assess the designs according to their appeal, design originality, imagination and creativity. 
  • All cards, and the school that deliver more Christmas cards will be given a small detail.
  • Two categories of age groups have been established: 6-9 and 10-12 year olds. 
  • The top two cards in each categorie will be given an award that will consist of a product school batch. The best card will be the Christmas program image.

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